My second pregnancy has been NOTHING like my first pregnancy, but my Doctor keeps reassuring me that how my body will proceed with labor will most likely be how it did with my first baby. This means I will not dilate, efface, the baby won't drop etc and I will have him as a planned c-section on May 31st (pretty much I will not go into labor). I am totally fine with this, but I just can't help but be surprised that if everything else with the pregnancy has seemed so different than why will labor be the same?
So my question is: Were your labor stories pretty much the same? Meaning, did your body pretty much follow the same pattern as before? I'm conducting my own research poll I guess.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Question for Mothers who have 2 or more kids . . .
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6:35 AM
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Sorry but my labors were totally different. The second was WAY more difficult. I progressed slower, dropped later and the contractions were never regular. Of course, my first was induced so that may have something to do with it.
I was on Petocin with Spencer and it did nothing for me for 12 hours and then I decided to have c-section. With Tori I went into labor a month early and then I had to have a c-section because she was early.
While my pregnancies where different, my first two labors went pretty much the same. With Leah I labored for 18 hours, she crashed I had a c-section. With Maggie I labored for about 8 hours, she crashed I had a c-section. Number three I skipped the labor and had a scheduled c-section. Number four was 7 weeks early, but still a c-section. I'd say there's a good chance your labor will be similar if you just let your body take it's course. Medical intervention, (inducing) will obviously change how things progress.
Once you've had a c-section your risk for uterine rupture is much higher and if you try a vbac, they will do a c-section at the first sign of trouble. Does it suck to have c-sections? Yes. But avoiding possible catastrophic complications is very worth it. It took me a while to come to grips with the fact that I couldn't have a baby the "right" way. But when I looked at the alternatives, c-sections are great. And c-section recovery without labor is so much easier that c-section recovery with labor too.
Plus my doc let me go early with a scheduled c-section!
My two labors were just about the same. I didn't go into labor, I complained a lot and my doctor had mercy on me and let me have pitocin both times. The only main differnce is that the first time I pushed for and hour and a half, and the second time I pushed for 15 minutes. Either way, you'll get a baby out of it, and somehow you'll say 10 minutes later "that wasn't so bad!"
My two labors (and pregnancies) were very different. With Bryan my water broke 4 days before I was due, 10 hours after that I was ready to start pushing, and 6 hours after THAT he was born but the dr. had to use the forceps to get him out. With Anna I was induced on my due date at 7:30 am, and she was born at 2:30 pm, after only 2 pushes. So much easier! I think my body was more ready to do it the 2nd time around because it'd already one it once - that's my opinion.
I'm going to say that adoption is looking like a really good option after reading all of the labor/delivery stories...
First two were pretty different. First baby 9 days late despite intense walking marathons and every attempt to get him out. I was induced and after 7 hours he was born. I was sure after that my body was INCAPABLE of going into labor on my own since my doctor told me week after week "I'm sure I won't see you next week, you'll have this baby for sure....blah blah". Second baby, woke up 2 am in INTENSE labor with no prior braxton hicks or anything, hurried to the hospital already dilated to 8 and had him by 5 am - kind of scary how different they can be. My prepared for ANYTHING.
My two labors were almost identical. They both came 4 days early and my water broke with both. They were both about 6 hours long. The main difference was with kate I had to be put on pitocin after my water broke because I wasn't contracting on my own. With Benson, I didn't need anything.
How I went into labor was pretty much identical with my second as with my first. I was induced with both after dilating to a 3 on my own. The recoveries were different because I tore really badly with my first and not as much with #2, but I bruised my tailbone with #2 so I couldn't sit for 3 months. I would love to hear that you end up going into labor on your own with this one! Good luck!
my 2 were very different. my water broke at 35 wks with mariah, and i did not go into labor. they had to induce me. i had pre-term labor with elaine, bed rest, etc., but made it to 39 weeks, when my body kicked into labor itself. she was born an hour after we checked in at the hospital.
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