Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Happy St Patrick's Day 2013

Green milk and Lucky Charms =
Super happy kids. I love making holidays magical for my kids. And I really love that it takes so little to bring them so much joy. 

Our little limping leprechaun.

Happy little lady.

I love how Lucy is really understanding holidays so well. Her excitement is so fun to watch.

"My sock hurts"

We're not exactly sure what happened (beyond that this little guy was jumping on a trampoline and playing outside all morning) but suddenly David came up to me and said, "My sock hurts." I tried to figure out what was wrong, but didn't see anything. He then began to limp around and get upset. We took him to the on-call pediatrician who sent us to another hospital to get x-rays and then we came back to be told everything was fine (at 9:30 at night) and were told to give him ibruprofen for the pain. Two days later we got a call saying another doctor checked the x-rays and found a hairline fracture and we needed to bring him back in for a cast!

He was a trooper when he got his cast on. He said to the nurse, "Can you fix my foot?" He struggled at bedtime when we could not take his cast off, but he has adjusted to it well.
And Lucy has been so helpful and good to him through it all. Such a good girl.

He is figuring out how to get around pretty well. It melts my heart when he says, "Will you take great care of me?" Such a sweet boy.

The cast needs to stay on for three weeks. We've got sixteen days left.

Besides moving we are . . .

Long story short: about a month and a half ago I told Marc I had a feeling we should BEGIN the process of moving-things snowballed: we looked at homes, found one we love, put our home and condo on the market, they were both under contract within ten days and we will be moving into our new home by April 13th! CRAZY! Needless to say all of that has consumed much of our time. We feel very blessed and guided through it all. So to update on other things: The picture above is of the girls with their babies' hands in their mouth. It melted my heart when I saw this because it is exactly what Vivian used to do to me when she would nurse. Such sweet little ladies.

Lucy loves to color! She is getting so good at it too. Above is a sampling of her typical afternoon works. We've also celebrated St Patrick's Day and David broke his foot, but those deserve their own posts.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Home for Sale

We're selling our home too! We are hoping to get into our forever home and we need to sell our current home and condo in order to do so. We'd appreciate your help in spreading the word (post this link on your Facebook page or blog, let others know, etc). Pictures are below and more details are here: THANKS!

Friday, March 1, 2013

Selling our condo South of BYU

The time has come to sell our darling condo. If you know anyone who is a young professional, newly married couple or investor looking for a lovely place that is wonderful to live in and super easy to rent (it has not gone empty for longer than 48 hours in the past 5 1/2 years we have rented it) please send them our way. Pictures below and more details here: