Saturday, June 20, 2009

Are we alone?

Marc and I were home one night and watched an episode of Whale Wars. I noticed it was on every Friday night at 9pm (on Animal Planet). I thought that was a terrible time for a show and who would be home to watch it. Well guess who has been . . . us! And we love this show. It is the only show we plan to watch. Heidi was over last night and pretty much thought we were crazy. Are we really the only ones into this show?


ls said...

i've seen previews for it, but never caught an episode yet. but i know my husband would LOVE it.

girlsmama said...

Umm...what's it about? Whales obviously, but then what?

JMadd said...

I saw that show and it is INTENSE! I'm not hooked yet, but it's because I'm not usually home at that time.

Katie said...

It's about some intense activists trying to stop the Japanese whaling industry. They are considered "Sea Shepherds" by some and pirates by others. It is intense! They are a bit crazy, but it makes for great TV!

Lemme said...

we're totally addicted too!! love that show!!