Sunday, April 1, 2012

Vivian is 10 months old

Sweet Vivian is 10 months old. She is turning into quite the communicator. She says: hi, mom, dad, all done and signs for: more. She waves bye bye, puts her hands up to the top of her head when you say, "So big" and loves to play peek-a-boo. She is so darn cute!

She loves her brother and sister. She is so content to sit by them and play with them. They love her so much. Lucy is constantly playing with her and sharing her toys and David will say to her, "Vivi, it's ok" whenever she is sad. I love these three.

She loves her Daddy so much. She will lunge for him and SCREAM if he does not pick her up quickly enough once he is home from work or church meetings. Her top 2 teeth have come in (making a grand total of 4), she gets up on all fours and them goes backwards, she loves to pull herself up on things and she loves to snuggle with Mommy. When I nurse her, she loves to pinch at my skin. The more tired she is, the harder she pinches. I let her pinch, because I love having a baby. We love this sweet angel sent to our home.


ls said...

katie, i actually got a little teary looking at that picture of your three beautiful children because it is an amazing miracle to me that when i first knew you, these babies and your good husband were just a dream and hope in your heart. it is so beautiful to have such visible evidence of god's goodness, and i saw that so strongly as i looked at that picture of your sweet kids. i am so happy for you!

Katie said...

Thank you, Liz. My life is truly blessed. I appreciate your reminder.

Christine said...

You're a nice mommy. If I get pinched hard, that nursing session is over.
She is a real cutie!