Sunday, January 31, 2010

This is what happens when parents are too soft . . .

1) Mom was willing to pay $3.00 at DI for a 2 foot plastic penguin when Lucy fell in love with it.
2) Dad was willing to let her take it to bed with her.
*I really thought she'd play with it for a few days and we could donate the ugly thing back to DI. Turns out, she loves it and we're stuck with it.*


Bre said...

my niece was obsessed with penguins. Mark bought her a penguin hat for her birthday one year and I'm not kidding, she wore it every day for a year! The only time she'd take it off was for church or for a bath.

you never know what kids will latch on to!

Unknown said...

I'm glad to know the story behind the penguin. She does, indeed, love it. I thought it was a strange toy when I stayed with the kids, but yes, (see above) you never know what kids will latch on to.

JMadd said...

I think it's great! If she wants to take it to Kindergarten, then maybe the penguin fairy will need to come and take it back to penguin land (DI).