Saturday, December 10, 2011

Decorating the tree

I love decorating the tree with my children. They get so EXCITED with every part of it: the lights, the tinsel, each ornament .  .  . it is so fun to watch them. It was really fun this year because Lucy & David were both old enough to put the ornaments on. It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!
A sweet story about our little angel. She is from the 60's and used to be my Grandma Sampson's. I love her for many reasons: she used to be my Grandma's, she's vintage, she has an a-line haircut and best of all: she is a red head. Apparently David shares my love because as soon as we took her out of the box David reached for her and said in the sweetest voice, "BABY!" We gently handed her to him (I was hesitant, but wanted to put my child's love and enthusiasm for Christmas above material items). He gently looked at the angel and then gave her a great big hug. It was priceless!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Adorable angel story!