Someone is just about ready to roll over . . .
Monday, March 31, 2008
Fun At My Grandma's
Dad and Me with my Uncle Kevin-he's crazy and I like it that way!My cousin Kylie who I like to squish (see posts below).
Mom with my Great Grandma, she likes to sing to me.
Everyone gathering around for some yummy good food. That's my Aunt Kristi I told you about before who likes to take me shopping.
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8:54 PM
Sunday, March 30, 2008
She's Squishing Me!!!
My niece, Kylie, is in town so I thought I'd get a cute picture of her with Lucy. Well, Kylie did not like how Lucy was leaning against her and she kept saying, "Aunt Katie, she's squishing me!" I tried to explain that Lucy was a baby and that she needed her help, but with Kylie as the baby of her family, she didn't seem to care and just kept saying, "Aunt Katie, she's squishing me!"What will we ever do with babies of the family ;)
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10:00 AM
Cute Pictures Of Me
My Aunt Kristi took these cute pictures of me. It has been so fun to have her and my cousins, Austin and Braden, here from San Diego. She showed me how to do some really good shopping and Mom is always so happy when she is around her.
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9:39 AM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Happy to report Lucy gave me two WONDERFUL three hour chunks of sleep last night and then went back down for another hour and a half! Honestly, I believe it has everything to do with prayer. Oh blessed day when the baby sleeps! Thanks so much for all of your support. Liz, you are so giving! In fact, she's sleeping right now so I am off to catch some shut eye myself.
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12:26 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Update On Sleep . . .Or Lack There Of . . .
Lucy has not slept well since Saturday night (as in not more than an an hour or two at a time throughout the day or night). Today was the worst with only a 1 hour nap in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon. It's now almost midnight and she has finally drifted to sleep. I am praying with every ounce of faith I have that she will sleep better soon. Doctor thinks it's a growth spurt. Growing is rough!
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10:46 PM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Last Night and The Night Before and . . .
See what a great site this is? We haven't seen it lately at our home . . .
10:15pm: Lucy is asleep
10:30pm: Mom & Dad are asleep
12:45am: Lucy wakes up, Mom feeds her, both go back to sleep
2:45am: Lucy wakes up, Mom feeds her, both go back to sleep
3:40am: Lucy wakes up, Mom feeds her, both go back to sleep
5:10am: Lucy wakes up, Mom feeds her, both go back to sleep-this time Mom brings the little peanut in bed with her
5:50am: Mom helps Daddy get dressed (due to his injury, he can only use 1 arm)
7:10am: Lucy wakes up, Mom feeds her, both go back to sleep in same bed
8:50am: Lucy wakes up, Mom feeds her, both are up for the day
This is ROUGH! The Doc says until she weighs 12 pounds, we should get up with her and feed her when she wakes up-we've actually been blessed with a pretty decent sleeping pattern, but these past 3 days have been tricky!
And all she has to do is give us one sweet smile and it's totally worth it.
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9:53 AM
Monday, March 24, 2008
Easter At Lucy's
Happy Easter! Don't I look delightful in my Easter dress.Here is my family for Easter. Mommy liked that we were all in yellow. We took this outside to show the pretty flowers, but they didn't quite make it in.
Daddy's girls . . .
Isn't my Daddy handsome! I just love him. I laughed aloud for him the other day-he is my favorite!
Then we had a BIG gathering for Easter dinner! This is my Great Grandma-she is so great and I loved her jewelry.
Uncle Kevin came too-I can't wait until I will be big enough to play with him like my cousin, Braden, does.
Grandpa telling stories-I am beginning to learn this is what he does best.
My Uncle Ryan and Aunt Jayna came too. Aunt Jayna is very good at Apples to Apples.
Aunt Kristi, my 2 Grandmas, my other Grandpa, and Aunt Jennifer all came too! Oh what a fun day it was.
Our friends Heidi and Yvette enjoyed dinner with us too and my cousin, Austin, seemed to have escaped the camera . . .
In my Easter basket, Mommy and Daddy gave me a book with pictures of Jesus in it. They told me that what Jesus did for all of us is what Easter is really all about. They said that He is our Savior and He made it possible for me to live with all of these wonderful people forever. I think I am going to like this special day.
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8:24 AM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
My First Easter Egg Hunt!
I got all dressed up in my Easter dress my Grandma made for me.Then Mom and Dad took me to our neighborhood park . . .
And I found some eggs! Well, actually Mommy found them while Daddy took pictures and I just sort of humored them.
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7:59 PM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Best Bead-head EVER
Lucy has produced some great bed-head in the past, but this morning's bed-head takes the cake!I think I would have had to have visited three countries to get the same entertainment I get from this baby in one day!
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11:08 AM
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy St. Patrick's Day
What a fun 1st St. Patrick's Day I had. My Grandma and Grandpa came over to have lunch with me. Grandma gave me my very 1st dress she ever made for me. She said she used a doll pattern to make it. I think that is fitting because I am a doll!Then, wearing our green, Mommy and I went to visit Daddy at work. We brought him dinner, a yummy Corned Beef and Cabbage Soup that Mommy made.
Daddy showed me how the chairs can spin around and around-this was very fun, but Daddy got a little dizzy and then we had to stop.
May the luck of the Irish be upon everyone!
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5:15 PM
Our Little Reader
Lucy's new thing is to hold things with her little hands and we just love to see her hold her books!See her hold a book in action (I know, we're obviously her parents if we think this is exciting.)
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4:03 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
A Little Help In The Yard
I can remember as a little girl helping my Dad with the yard work. I had a very special job. When the garbage can would get too full my Dad would pick me up and have me stomp everything down to make more room. Well, yesterday I found myself in a similar predicament with a can full of yard debris and a large pile still needing to go in. So what did I use?Memphis The Pug of course!
*I must say I was laughing so hard it really slowed the process, but he really did help!
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4:30 PM
Four Months
Dear Lucy-
It's been quite a month. I ruptured the biceps tendon in my right arm, which required surgery and rendered my arm and hand unusable. It's been difficult to be as involved in your care as I would like to be since I can hold you with just one hand. Mommy has had to take over your bath time and diaper duty and has done so without complaint. In addition, Mommy has assumed care of Daddy, too, as I cannot get dressed completely. Thank goodness for a loving Mommy and wife.
Here are ten things I've learned and/or observed this past month:
1) Mommy has a endless supply of love and caring for you (and me!).
2) You rolled over from your tummy to your back.
3) You roll over more quickly when you are mad,
4) When I call home during the day to say hello to Mommy, I love the sound of you cooing in the background. It's not so amusing when you are fussing.
5) If you are nursing when I come home, you will stop and smile at me when I kiss Mommy hello.
6) When I hold you facing out and walk around, you will run your hands over the back of my hands.
7) You look around for Mommy when you are not with her.
8) You cross your legs when you nurse, looking so comfortable.
9) Your voice is so sweet, it makes me smile when you "talk."
10) You love to be outside, even if you have to squint in the sunshine.
Love, Dad
Noted by
7:09 AM
Labels: Monthly letter
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
I Did Not Know Four Months Ago . . .
1. How much I would LOVE watching you and Daddy asleep at the same time.
2. How precious your giggles and coos would be.
3. I would enjoy making girlie hair bows and buying tons of ribbon for you.
4. How tender the expression, "I walked the halls with you" really is.
5. How much fun it would be to read you a story.
6. You would actually enjoy hearing your out-of-tune Mother sing ALL THE TIME.
7. I would feel it in my heart the moment I realized you had my smile.
8. I would love spending so much time watching you . . . swinging, playing, sleeping, eating . . .
9. How sweet it would feel to have you nestle your head into my shoulder and rub your face back and forth.
10. That having you would be the sweetest, most worthwhile sacrifice I could ever make.
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1:59 PM
Friday, March 7, 2008
Drumroll Please . . .
Ladies and Gentlemen, one day shy of Lucy turning four months old . . . SHE ROLLED FROM HER TUMMY TO HER BACK!!!Of course each time we tried to videotape it, she would not cooperate so you can see the still shots Marc took.
Tuh Dahhhhh!
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10:51 AM
A Legacy
Four generations: one classy lady at the beginning and an incredibly adorable baby as the caboose (the middle two generations aren't too shabby either, right Dad?).
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10:47 AM
Sleep Walker
Just a precious picture of our Little Lucy taking a nap yesterday while she was on a walk with Mommy and Daddy.
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10:44 AM
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Love Is . . .
I have a little routine: I hear Lucy wake-up, Marc rubs my back, I put on my slippers, I use the restroom, wash my hands, take out my retainer and then begin my day as wife and mother.
The other morning, after an exceptionally long night, my routine was completely off and it was all I could do to just get Lucy and begin to meet her needs. As I sat feeding her, my dear sweet husband came out (quite disheveled in a similar lack of sleep state as me) holding my retainer case for me to put my retainer in.
I placed my retainer in the case and Marc put the case away. It was by far one of the most romantic things I have ever witnessed. He knew me, he knew my needs, he knew my routine, he knew what I enjoyed and he desired to be there for me.
I never knew love could be this sweet. I never knew someone would know me so completely. I didn't realize I would have someone desire to serve and meet my every need. If you would have asked me 5 years ago what love was my answer would have been so simple and generic. Now I know what love is. Love is bringing you your retainer case.
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8:57 AM
Monday, March 3, 2008
Lucy's Current Read . . .
I am sure that I am much more into this than anyone else will be especially on account of the fact that I teach a "how to teach reading" class. But I just had to share this great clip of Lucy "reading" with me. She totally tracks the pages, helps me turn the pages and she'll often speak out as I read. Of course as her parents, we will always think she is brilliant. BTW-this is her favorite read, Barnyard Dance.
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1:39 PM
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Daddy's Robo Arm
This is Daddy's really cool robo-arm brace that he only gets to wear for 4 more weeks. It gives him more mobility, but it is not very comfortable and sometimes makes his hand numb. This has been a lot of work for Daddy. Good thing the prognosis is a full recovery.
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3:35 PM
Sunday Afternoons
This is what Mommy and Daddy do when I take my nap on Sunday afternoons and they have left over play-dough from primary class.
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3:33 PM
Bow Party
We had a bow making party the other day and some of my most favorite people in the world each designed a bow for me. I think my Daddy wears my bows almost as well as I do!And here I am modeling the whole lot!
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11:00 AM