Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A house of order

Marc surprised me the day after Christmas with a bunch of food storage buckets! And you do not know me well enough if you'd think I was anything but thrilled with the idea of spending the day organizing our food storage with him. It was awesome and felt so great to know: 1) we had adequate supplies for our needs 2) it was now organized in a way we could easily access it 3) it was in containers free from water and rodent damage and 4) through the organizing, we actually created more storage area.

Here we are in the midst of our organizing. It really did take all day (fortunately the kids were happy to play with their new Christmas gifts). I struggled with putting a red lid on a BYU bucket-but had to get over that. And my husband is really strong.

The finished product! Pretty much one of the most beautiful sites I've ever seen. If you're curious what all is in there, the basic idea of what you need for an adult for a year supply of food storage is as follows (we counted our children as a 1/2).                                                                            Grains (400 lbs per person)
- Wheat (red and/or white)
- Rice
- Barley
- Oats (regular and/or quick)
- Macaroni
- Noodles
- Cornmeal

Legumes (60 lbs per person)
- Beans (black, pinto, kidney, red, white)
- Lentils
- Peas

Dairy Products (48 lbs per person)
- Powdered Milk

Sugars (60 lbs per person)
- Sugar
- Honey

Leavening (6 lbs per person)
- Yeast
- Baking Powder
- Baking Soda
- Eggs

Salt (8 lbs per person)
- Salt (iodized and/or sea)

Fats (30 lbs per person)
- Shortening
- Cooking oil

Water (2 weeks)
- 14 gallons

1 comment:

Christine said...

Can I just say that I love that you wanted to avoid red lids? ;)