Saturday, December 28, 2013


I have been drawing a basic picture of The Nativity for a while now as more of a doodle and I really wanted to do something more official with the idea. My dear friend and artist, Julie, suggested I try drawing it with pastels. We sat down for family home evening one night with our special paper and pastels and began to explore.

Vivian was captivated with the idea. I loved how she used so many different vibrant colors.

Lucy was amazing! She really is quite the little artist. She was trying so hard to do her own work and not just copy what I was doing. I love her.

Vivian taking a moment to admire her hard work. I love the chalk all over her eyes, hands and sweater.

Lucy worked diligently on her picture for about an hour.

A sampling of the end product.

Marc joined in the fun too. It was such a fun night!

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