Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Tagged . . . Brought To You By The Number 6

Mommy got tagged by her friend Liz.
Here are the rules:
A: Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves
B: At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names.

1) I received an A- in a men's only weight lifting class at BYU.
2) I wrote an entire thesis and I still have never learned how to type.
3) My first kiss was when I was in college.
4) When I was a kid I used to hold the car door open as long as I could imagining that I was saving little elves who were jumping into our car fleeing from the parking lot.
5) Me and my friends used to love to touch electric fences to get the shock as a teenager-not recommended but it is quite a feeling!
6)I have been skydiving.Mommy tags some new bloggers: Heidi, Robyn, Jen, Kristi, Lindsay, and Shelia

1 comment:

green mormon architect said...

#4 is one of the funniest things I have ever read! If I lived in a parking lot, I would probably try to flee into a car as well.
