Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Political Activist

I haven't been shy about my involvement in politics (a subject I know puts many of you to sleep-which make me sad). At any rate, it was very energizing to be a part of a very grass roots level of trying to help Tim Bridgewater get elected to the senate.

Below are some of my dear campaigning friends: Jodie, Me, Heidi and Leslie. These ladies are awesome and it was great to talk with them about things I feel so passionately about.
I know this picture is dark, but it represents the night so well. We went to the Bridgewater result party and while many were up in the front watching the results come in on a projector-we huddled around a little computer we had hijacked from somebody so we could refresh the page as often as our anxious selves wanted to . . .
The night was full of a lot of excitement and opportunities to meet some great people. To me, the hardest part of the night was seeing so many well informed individuals that I really respect there backing this great candidate and he still didn't win! I know I am biased (but my thoughts have been backed by numerous journalist as well), but I just felt like the other candidate was full of great philosophical ideas that people jumped on board about but they they were lacking real solutions while Tim was full of great solutions that really could have turned our country and Utah around.
In the end, we were left disappointed. Disappointed that our candidate didn't win. Disappointed that negative/dishonest campaigning won over a campaign of high integrity. And most of all, disappointed that only about 15% of Utahans cared enough to vote to elect their next senator.

The following quote best describes how I feel:

"Are there any of us who could not have done more in the last several elections to ensure choices on election day between truly honest candidates of high ideals to administer our government at all levels—from the precinct to the national? In the final analysis, don’t we pretty much get the kind of . . . politicians in office we deserve?" -Lorentz C. Pearson (Ensign June, 1977)

Oh, but I am proud to say, I did not swear once the entire night (not something many of those around me could claim ;)


Heidi said...

You didn't swear, but you did steal the only piece of the Bridgewater cake! I'm glad you didn't include my attention getting moment :)

Christine said...

Only 15% voted?! That is sad.

Lemme said...

i really like that quote...and it makes me sad that others aren't active in politics either. especially when they're not active and then they complain about who's in office.

Marc said...

Who ate that bite of Bridgewater cake?!