Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Tagged . . . All About Daddy!

Marc and me on the Brooklyn Bridge December 2005

Mommy's friend, Becky, tagged her and she is so excited because it means she gets to tell you all about Daddy! Ok...rather than re-type my responses in a separate entry, I'm going to append my answers to Katie's post, in blue-Marc

What is your Hubby's name?: Marc (Marcus when he's in trouble, but his real name is Marc-with a "C"!) I don't have a hubby, I have a wife, named Katie. That is her real, complete first name. I call her KT.

How long have you been together? How long did you date?: Our first date was August 23, 2005 (even though it did take him 3 months from when he originally asked me out to when we actually went out). We got engaged March 31st, 2006 (don't get engaged the day before April Fools-no one will believe you). We were married the following August and have been happily in love ever since. Three months is a long time, and I'm not sure why it took so long, but I kept thinking about Katie. Fortunately, it wasn't too late ;)

Who said I love you first?: I did! It was the first time I had been in a relationship where I had said it first-he told me he loved me a few minutes later. Yeah, that's how I remember it, too...

Who is smarter?: No question-HIM! But I am more organized ;) So then, who is smarter?!

Who does the housework?: I do, but he is very good to help whenever he can, I'm just home
more. And I enjoy being a homemaker. I do the trash, and before injury, would shovel the snow. Now I struggle to do the simplest task...sigh.

Who sleeps on the right?: Me, but it pretty much depends on whichever side is closest to the bathroom-especially when I'm pregnant. Depends on which way you're facing-the head or the foot...either way I'm closest to the baby and furthest from the bathroom.

Who pays the bills?: Me, but he makes the bulk of the money to pay them so I guess you could say we both do. Katie writes the checks, but I'm her sugar daddy...

Who cooks dinner?: Me-he did make me a yummy chicken and spinach salad once. Yes, and I BBQ, even in the snow. And, I will make breakfast when I'm home.

Who drives when you are together?: He does and I LOVE it! It's been a bummer having to be the one to drive all the time with his injury. Me. I think I'm a better driver, no matter who is is driving ;)

Who is more stubborn?: No question, ME! Everyday of our marriage I realize more and more that I married the kindest, most patient man in the world. Katie...but if I feel strongly about something, I will stick to my guns.

Who kissed who first?: Marc kissed me first. It stills makes me excited when I think about it. Ahhh...that makes me smile!

Who asked who out first?: He asked me out first, but I was way brave and left my business card with him and wrote on the back, "Call me". Who knew I could be so sassy? I was impressed that she had the moxie to leave her card with a hand-written invitation. How could I resist such an approach?

Who proposed?: Marc did-he took me back to where we had our first date-it was magical! It's a great story...ask me sometime.

Who has more siblings?: He does. He is the oldest of 7 and I LOVE his family. I do...Katie's the youngest of four.

Who wears the pants?: I know most of you would think that I do, but honestly I was so lucky to find this sweet gentle man who knows exactly how to put me in my place and always expect the best from me. We have a good partnership, with good give and take: sometimes I give, and sometimes I take. Overall, I feel like I'm really lucky to have such a great partner!

I tag: Jayna, Jackie, Jessica, Jordyn, Christine, Mindy, Kathryn and MARC What is this tag thing?? I tag the Pope and Gloria Estefan.


Lemme said...

I remember going to class the day or 2 after you were engaged. It was Ashbakers transition class but you were there to teach the lecture as a guest speaker. We were all in tears as you told the story and bore your testimony about things working out when you do what the spirit tells you. It was awesome! I love the bond we shared with that group! I also remember that you got married on the day of the praxis, and your beautiful reception at the museum. Ah...magical! I'm glad to see you so happy!

Becky J. said...

Wow, you did that so fast! Way to go! I loved reading about you two. Such a cute couple!

ls said...

As I read that post I was totally thinking the same things that Karissa wrote in her comment. And I was thinking about how crazy it was to suddenly hear that you were engaged because I didn't even know you were dating anyone (not that I should have known-- teachers don't normally tell their students about their dating lives, but since you seemed more like a friend than a teacher it was crazy that you suddenly just had a ring on your finger!)

Christine said...

I would love to be tagged Katie, but I was already tagged with this very one from Heather (Griffitts) Porter last month. As much as I love him, people don't really want to read about Jason THAT much. :)

Danica Osborn said...

original way to do it! i liked it hearing about you guys. in response to your question about the bows...i am so lame and i actually buy them off ebay. i wish i could make them, my sister in law can, but i have no creative talents whatsoever! they also sell cute ones at "kid to kid".

girlsmama said...

Hi Katie! I need to reply to this and put one up about Jarrod on our blog! I have a couple great websites on how to make the hairbows! (assuming those are the bows you are refering to!) Email me and I'll send you the links. It's not as hard as it looks.

mindy said...

That is really sweet! You two are such a great match, it makes me happy!

Hmph, maybe I should not slack out on the tag, especially since it is a fun one.