Saturday, December 22, 2012


Nativity by Brian Kershisnik is one of my most favorite paintings. I love it for so many reasons (even have a copy of it in my home), and last night I found another reason to love it all the more when Marc and I went to look at the original at BYU's Museum of Art.

Marc and I sat there enjoying the piece for about half an hour. I was commenting how one angel reminded me of Vivian, another of David and we decided together which one was Lucy. Then I asked Marc, "Which angel are you?" He looked and said, "I'm the one comforting Joseph." This thought brought tears to my eyes. Of course my dear sweet, tender husband would have been the one comforting Joseph. He is a comforter by nature. When others may be overwhelmed by the moment, he is there seeking out the one in need and offering support. He is never one for big fan fare, but he is always there to help. He is a friend to all and everyone willingly shares their story with him. Simply put, he is an amazingly loving man. I feel so blessed to call him mine.

1 comment:

Christine said...

That is a precious moment. I don't think I've seen that piece before. I really like it.